Monday 11 January 2010

There are an awful lot of things that can cause depression and other mental symptoms, including aspartame. Why does psychiatry not know this?
By Kieron McFadden

According to psychiatry, if someone is depressed, there is something wrong with his brain and the thing to do is clobber his brain with a chemical such as an antidepressant.

Personally I think there is something wrong with the brains of many a psychiatrist because they seem to have an aversion to using theirs.

Why so scathing? The fact of the matter is there are myriad causes for a person being depressed. Personally, listening to the waffle spouted by psychiatry as an excuse to drug people depresses the hell out of me but the utterances of psychiatrists are just one of many reasons a person can get depressed. And none of those reasons include a diseased or defective brain.

Of course, like any bodily organ, the brain can be harmed by toxins or bad nutrition but psychiatrists rarely if ever do anything other than label the person mentally ill and reach for the prescription pad and get the person on a drug - which is of course a toxin, with somewhat less nutritional value than polystyrene, that can mess up bodily organs such as the brain.

Why do they do that? Why no medical check? Why not find out what kind of poisons and other rubbish the person is putting into his body and get him to stop doing it? Why no check for any underlying illnesses he may have? After all, if a patient went to a doctor with a bullet in his leg and missing two pints of blood, and complaining of feeling tired and irritable, one would not think much of a doctor who did not even look for the bullet but glibly diagnosed "incurably diseased leg, probably due to genetic defect" and prescribed opium to make him feel numb and euphoric.

The list of things that can cause a person to feel depressed, irritable, tired, listless and so on and so forth is a long one. Yet psychiatry doesn’t seem to know any of this or if it does, it ignores it.

Call me fussy but to me this is inexcusably ignorant and grossly negligent and evinces an agendum that has nothing to do with making people better. How many thousands of people have been denied the opportunity of improvement and actually ruined because their psychiatrist was in such a hurry to prescribe an antidepressant rather than provide any honest help?

The example of aspartame nicely illustrates this point.

Aspartame is a chemical sweetener that goes by the brand names "NutraSweet" and "Equal." It is one of the very first chemical sweeteners and is over 150 times as sweet as sugar. How the food industry actually gets away with putting this harmful substance in food and inducing the unsuspecting public to eat it is not quite clear. I suppose this is yet another instance of governmental perfidy or negligence but whatever the reason, there are over 6,000 products containing aspartame, sold in over 100 countries and consumed by over 250 million people worldwide.

There have been more adverse reaction reports to the FDA concerning aspartame than for all other food additives combined, and there have been a staggering 900+ published studies on the health hazards of aspartame. In addition there are around 10,000 documented reports of adverse reactions to aspartame, which include deaths.

Now, it is estimated that roughly one in a hundred people who experience an adverse reaction actually report it. These may or may not be major reactions, there is no way of knowing but the bare maths tells us that at least a million people may have experienced an adverse reaction they were able to attribute to aspartame. This does not of course include people who have had a reaction to aspartame but not recognised the connection and blamed something else.

Among the dangers, a chemical known as phenylalanine found in aspartame increases dopamine levels in your brain and this can lead to symptoms of depression because the serotonin/dopamine balance becomes distorted. It can also, through a similar chemical distortion, lead to migraine headaches and brain tumors.

Furthermore, there is another chemical in aspartame called aspartic acid in this is well known to be what is called an excitotoxin. Excitotoxins are special amino acids that cause particular brain cells to become excessively excited, to the point they will quickly die. In addition Excitotoxins can also cause a degeneration or loss of brain synapses and connecting fibers. Aspartame has other dangers, not the least of which is it has also been found to cause cancer.

In short, aspartame is a pretty scary chemical and what it is doing being inserted in our food, why manufacturers go on inserting it and why the government stands idly by and allows it is, as I have said, a mystery. Here again there appears to be on the part of certain corporate entities, their directors and shareholders and on the part of government itself a "who cares?" attitude to the small matter of innocent citizens being made unwell or even killed.

Much of our world seems to have fallen into the hands of creatures who care nought for the fate of human beings when it comes to making a buck.

Now, in that area there may reside some pretty deranged individuals in need of some psychiatry but psychiatry in general seems to leave such people be and focus its attentions on the rest of us for its mental illness labels and its debilitating, dangerous drugs.

In so doing the role of aspartame in generating depression and other mental problems in people is carefully ignored. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are consuming aspartame and have consumed it for decades. How many cases of depression has just aspartame alone caused? How much has aspartame and similar food additives contributed to so-called "mental health problems?" How many people have been given drugs rather than simply being persuaded to stop consuming aspartame? How many people as a result then had to contend with the damage done to their body, nerves and organs by the aspartame AND the damage done by the psychiatric drugs they had added to it?

One supposes there is no money or power to be had in simply counseling people to stop poisoning themselves.


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